By approval of ritmo according to the European Medical Device Directive, the Hamburg based dpv-analytics GmbH is one of the world’s first movers to launch an AI for evaluating long-term ECG data.
The little ritmo consists of a box less than 2×2 inches and a patch that is easily put to the chest. It can record a full 3-channel ECG for up to 13 days. The AI analyses the data.
Compared to common ECGs, ritmo got rid of all cables and is showerproof. The full approval as a medical device will foster the use of ECGs, for the benefit of patients as well as for doctors.
To ensure high quality screening, we combine the AI results with the knowhow of cardiologists. They validate the results based on many years of experience in the field of ecg. “We do not leave the patients on their own when they receive the results,” explains Dr. Stephan Kranz, MD and CEO of dpv-analytics. “If the result suggests atrial fibrillation or shows other abnormalities, we offer quick access to a network of cardiologists if the patients do not yet have their doctors. The network we set up consists of cardiologist from all over Germany and we invite cardiologists to participate.”